
New IE Articles

International Marketing Review—DOI: Digitalization of companies in international entrepreneurship and marketing Ioan-Iustin Vadana, Lasse Torkkeli, Olli Kuivalainen, Sami Saarenketo The purpose of this study is provide

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COVID-19 and IE

As a grassroots community of scholars dispersed around the world and dedicated to studying international entrepreneurship,  IE-scholars is recognizing the

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Photos from ANZIBA 2020

The 2020 ANZIBA (Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy) was held February 17 – 19 February  at University of Technology

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New IE Articles

International Small Business Journal — DOI: Accidental tourists? A cognitive exploration of serendipitous internationalisation Andreea N. Kiss, Wade M.

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New IE Articles

Journal of International Business Studies – Volume 51, pp. 11-22. Born digitals: Thoughts on their internationalization and a research agenda

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