What is ie-scholars
ie-scholars.net is a virtual community that supports International Entrepreneurship (IE) research and education by sharing resources, expertise and knowledge on a global scale. Our hope is that this community will accelerate the development of ideas and approaches to key theoretical, methodological and conceptual issues in this emerging area of study.
We have three types of community building activities:
1) Fostering and accelerating IE research
2) IE knowledge mobilization and dissemination
3) IE community growth and enhancement
Managing Institution
- Wendy Gillespie Center for Advancing Global Business (CAGB), Fowler College of Business, San Diego State University, California, USA
Founding Partners
- Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada
- Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Canada
- Community for Internationalisation and Enterprise Research, University of Glasgow, UK
- Department of International Business, University of Ulster, UK
- Technology Business Research Centre, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
- Center for International Business Education and Research, UCLA, USA
- Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Otago, New Zealand
What's New
2024 Annual Compilation of IE Articles
The 2024 Annual Compilation of IE articles is here! It includes 62 IE articles in 17 IE-friendly journals. The list
6th Odense Workshop on International Entrepreneurship
The University of Southern Denmark is proud to host the 6th Odense Workshop on International Entrepreneurship. The event will take
Call for Roundtable Proposals: CEEC, San Diego, California
Consider submitting a roundtable proposal to the 2025 California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference (CEEC), organized by the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center and
IE Resources
As part of our mandate, ie-scholars.net supports IE researchers by compiling summary spreadsheets of IE journal publications (by year), information on forthcoming IE chapters, books and conferences, and other resources for those involved with IE research.
To support IE educators, we collect and share course outlines used by IE members, including syllabi developed specifically for ie-scholars.net (project in progress).