
New IE Articles — October 2022

Management International Review – DOI: When Born Globals Grow Up: A Review and Agenda for Research on the Performance

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New IE Articles – September 2022

Journal of Business Venturing—Volume 37(Issue 6), DOI: Momentum for entrepreneurial internationalization: Friction at the interface between international and domestic

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Updated IE Syllabi

Have you visited the Education section of Resources lately? If not, you may have missed some new/updated syllabi added

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New IE Articles — August 2022

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal—DOI: Business Responsibility and Effectuation in Internationalized SMEs Uzhegova, M. & Torkkeli, L. Sustainability is

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New Book

“Exploring the Economic Opportunities and Impacts of Migrant Entrepreneurship: Success Stories and Case Studies” is a new book authored by

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Congratulations to a fellow ie-Scholar, Dr. Eduardo Terán-Yépez, for recently defending his thesis titled “Recognizing international market opportunities: The role of

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