
IE Book

A Research Agenda for International Entrepreneurship Edited by Christian Felzensztein, Clarkson University, US and Sascha Fuerst, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico Contributors: Sunday

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Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays and wishes for a peaceful, prosperous and productive 2024 to all members of our ie-Scholars community.

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New IE Articles: November 2023

Management International Review – Volume 63, pp. 673-696, DOI: Anywhere in the World? The Internationalization of Small Entrepreneurial Ventures

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New IE Articles — October 2023

International Business Review – Volume 32 (Issue 6), DOI: Liminality and developmental process of learning advantage of newness of early

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Call for Chapters

Consider contributing a chapter to a new book “New Concepts, Theories and Practices in International Entrepreneurship & International Enterprises” published

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New IE Articles

Journal of Business Venturing – Volume 39 (Issue 1), DOI: A chip off the old block: Founders’ prior experience

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