
New IE Articles — June 2024

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal – Volume 17, Issue 3, pg. 802-829, DOI: Business modeling under adversity: Resilience in international firms Galkina,

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New IE Articles — May 2024

Journal of World Business — Volume 59, Issue 3, DOI: Dynamic improvisation capabilities as a learning mechanism in early internationalizing

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Meet IE Scholar

IE Ambassador, Prof. Lasse Torkkeli interviews Dr. Man Yang, Associate Professor at the Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland. VIDEO

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Call for Book Chapters

Co-editors Christian Felzensztein (Clarkson University, USA), Afsaneh Bagheri (University of Lincoln, UK) and Christian Lechner (LUISS Business School in Rome,

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New IE Articles — February 2024

International Business Review – Volume 32, Issue 6, DOI: Liminality and developmental process of learning advantage of newness of

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