Call for Papers for Special Issue

The Journal of Comparative International Management is seeking submissions for a Special Issue on

Migration, diasporas and international business — the changing landscape of global business actors and patterns

The special issue welcomes conceptual papers, quantitative and qualitative empirical papers as well as country-comparisons on these themes.
The following list illustrates possible topics that would be welcomed in the special issue:

  • Host and home country economic and business interdependencies, resource flows and patterns
  • Migration and diaspora effects on trade, investment, country/regional competitiveness and business landscapes/entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Evolving types of global business actors, understanding their virtual/online forms and the role of technology
  • Diasporans and diaspora networks bridging large psychic distances in international business
  • International entrepreneurial orientation, aspirations and international business strategies
  • Migrant entrepreneurs’ social, cultural and linguistic capitals
  • Strategies for overcoming adversities and fostering migrant/diasporic agency in global business
  • Determinants and dynamics related to migrant- and migrant family business internationalization
  • Diversity programs for overcoming stereotyping of migrants as business actors
  • Use of emerging technologies, such as VR, in addressing stereotyping of migrants
  • Multilevel analysis covering micro-to-macro frameworks and dynamics

Submission Deadline: Dec 31, 2024

Guest editors

Prof. Maria Elo, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Prof. Maria Ivanova-Gongne, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Dr. Alexandra David, Institute for Work and Technology, Westfälische Hochschule, Germany
Prof. Ilia Gugenishvili, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Dr. Elham Kalhor, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

The full CfP can be found here: Journal of comparative international management_SI CFP 23.4.2024