The 2023 IE Articles Compilation is Here!

This year we have compiled the 2023 bibliography of IE articles based on a new methodology. Specifically, the list includes papers found in:

  • Thirteen IE-friendly journals (i.e. journals that have a track record of publishing IE articles) ranked as 4*, 4, or 3 in the Academic Journal Guide (AJG) of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) in two core areas for IE
    (“International Business & Area Studies” and “Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management”) plus three IE-friendly journals from other areas.

Editorials/introductions to special issues were excluded and core exclusion criteria were as follows:

  1. Studies focused on SME internationalization rather than IE per se, i.e. where entrepreneurship issues and theories are not integrated or addressed in the study;
  2. Studies in which the primary focus is not international entrepreneurship. E.g. studies of biotech firms in global industries or in which the focus is on technological innovation rather than business or entrepreneurial processes;
  3. Studies focused on domestic entrepreneurship in one country;
  4. Cross-cultural assessments of (e.g.) EO measures that focus on scale and measure development or validation;
  5. Studies on transnational and/or immigrant entrepreneurship (unless they relate to IE process).

The list is in Excel format, allowing you to search by keyword, date, author, or journal. This and compilations from the previous years can be found on our website in the Research Resources Section (available only to ie-Scholars members).
The article titles contain a hyperlink leading to the article abstract.  Final Journal List 2023. 


  1. There are 67 IE articles included in our list. This is a similar number to last year despite the change in our methodology.
  2. Of these 67, twelve (~18%) were from the elite group of our IE-friendly journals: JIBS (3), JBV (1), JWB (4), GSJ (3)  and SEJ (1). This is a very exciting observation indicating that IE continues to be seen as a relevant area of study for top academic outlets.
  3. IBR (with 11 published IE articles) continues to be the most “IE-friendly” journal, followed by JBR (9 articles), IJSBM and JIM (6 articles in each).
  4. The 2023 articles included 3 literature reviews (2 in JBR and one in JSBM) and one special issue (JWB).
  5. We see ongoing research on themes that have emerged relatively recently such as IE through and on internet-based platforms along with research on entrepreneurial cognitions and international opportunity development. Scaling (thanks in part to a special issue in JWB) has been also a topic explored in several published papers in our compilation. Readers may also enjoy articles on “new” topics in the context of IE – e.g. corruption, the role of the board of directors, and religiosity.

NOTE – please email Martina Musteen at to report any errors or omissions.

Thanks to the Wendy Gillespie Center for Advancing Global Business for assistance in compiling this list.