BAM Entrepreneurship SIG Research Conference — University of Leicester, UK

The British Academy of Management (BAM) – Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group Research Conference 2024, will take place July 4,  2024, at the University of Leicester School of Business, University of Leicester, UK.
The conference will attract scholars, practitioners, and doctoral students to discuss contemporary entrepreneurship practices, theories, and challenges, disseminate research findings, and explore synergies within the field of entrepreneurship (including IE).

Important Dates: 

Submission Deadline: 10th June 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 15th June 2024
Registration Deadline: 26th June 2024
Conference Date: 4th July 2024

Submission guidelines:

Submissions can be made by emailing the papers to Dr Md Imtiaz Mostafiz at Please use the Subject line of the email as “BAM ENT SIG 2024 Research Conference Submission”

Special Issue Call for Papers Discussion 
1) Grand Societal Challenges and Entrepreneurship in Emerging/Developing Economies – Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
2) AI in Entrepreneurship – International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behavior and Research.

Accepted papers will have the opportunity for presentation during the conference. Papers related to Grand Challenges in Entrepreneurship and AI in Entrepreneurship will be specially handled by the Guest Editors of Entrepreneurship and Regional Development and the International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behavior and Research.

Participation without Paper Submission:
PhD students, Early Career Researchers, researchers, and professionals interested in entrepreneurship research are welcome to join the conference, even if you don’t submit a paper. Your participation is encouraged and valued.