New IE Articles — April 2023

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research – DOI:

Interlinking institutions, entrepreneurship and economic performance

Ferreira, J. J., Fernandes, C. I., Veiga, P. M., & Gerschewski, S.

This study holds the objective of evaluating the impact of formal (e.g. ease of doing business score, start-up procedures to register a business, property rights) and informal (e.g. school life expectancy, collaboration between companies and human capital) institutions on the economic performance of countries in conjunction with the mediating effect of entrepreneurial activities and social performance. The authors find that institutions, whether formal or informal, impact positively on economic and social performance with entrepreneurial activities positively mediating the relationship between informal institutions and economic performance and social performance. The study research holds key implications for strengthening institutional theory. The authors find that our empirical results draw attention to the impact that institutions and their functioning can have on economic performance. Through this alert, the authors aim for researchers, politicians and other diverse decision-makers involved in public policies to prioritise not only the good working of institutions but also fostering entrepreneurship, in order to boost the resulting economic performance.

Journal of Small Business Management – Volume 61 (Issue 3), pages 1143-1173.  DOI: 10.1080/00472778.2021.1955124

Capabilities and Performance of Early Internationalizing Firms: A Systematic Literature Review

Jie, R. Harms, A. J. Groen & P. Jones 

International-entrepreneurship researchers use a capability-based perspective to analyze the international performance of early-internationalizing firms. More than 300 papers seem to address the role of capabilities in international performance. The purpose of this study is to structure this literature and provide an orientation for researchers. First, we develop a capability-categorization model. Second, we use this model in conjunction with our systematic literature review to identify which capabilities dominate the literature and which may have been overlooked. Third, we find that, in a significant share of the papers, “capability” is defined rather loosely, which impedes theory development at the interface of the capability-based perspective and international entrepreneurship. We conclude with a research agenda for future capabilities-based international-entrepreneurship research.


Journal of International Management — Volume 29, Issue 2, DOI:

On the performance of platform-based international new ventures: The roles of non-market strategies and managerial competencies

Donbesuur, N. Zahoor, O. Al-Tabbaa, S. Adomako, S. Y. Tarba

The implications of non-market strategies have gained considerable attention in recent international business and strategy research. However, an in-depth understanding of these strategies and their underpinning mechanisms in platform-based international new ventures (INVs) remains underexplored. To close this gap, this study investigates the drivers and performance outcomes of non-market strategies embraced by internationalizing platform-based firms. We propose that non-market strategies mediate the relationship between managerial competencies and international performance. We also theorize that perceived domestic institutional voids (PDIVs) would have a full strengthening effect on the proposed model. We tested our conceptualization using a unique sample comprising 181 platform-based INVs whose headquarters are based in an institutionally precarious sub-Saharan African country-Ghana. While the results confirm most of our predictions, counterintuitively, our analysis provides no support for the moderating effect of PDIVs on the relationship between non-market strategies and international performance. Together, these findings offer important theoretical and practical implications for the IB and strategy research, especially for platform-based INVs.