Call for Book Chapters

The American publisher IGI-Global seeks submissions for book chapters for a new title on Innovation of Business models: Handbook of Research on Business Model Innovation Through Disruption and Digitalization.

The book aims to discuss aspects of the innovation of business models through disruption and digitalization. The book will include chapters on theories and practices related to the overall theme of how business models are developed.  In the book, we envision articles possibly related to (but not at all limited to) any of the following themes (Note: IE-oriented submissions are welcome):

  • What are the practices, actions, and measures that foster the digital transformation of Business Models?
  • The process of digital innovation as learning cues of business model pivoting
  • What are the characteristics of a digital and disruptive Business Model?
  • Is it possible for a new Business Model to disrupt a market – and how?
  • The role of networks and relations in the development of new Business Models
  • Consequences for managerial practice and education

Proposal Submission Deadline: December 22, 2021.

The full CfP can be found here.

Inquires can be send to Erik Rasmussen, University of Southern Denmark, at or Nicolaj Petersen, UCL Professional College, and Business Academy, at