International Business Review (IBR) is seeking submissions for a Special Issue on
Managing cross-border knowledge for innovation
Paper Submission Deadline: June 30, 2020
Guest Editors:
- Hussain G. Rammal – University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
- Elizabeth L. Rose – University of Leeds, UK.
- João J.M. Ferreira – University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal.
While not exhaustive, the following list suggests possible topics that could be addressed in the special issue many of which can be IE-related:
- The development of knowledge and capabilities for international business
- International knowledge spillovers
- The role of global innovation networks in the global value chain
- ‘Reverse knowledge’ adoption and innovation from emerging economies to developed economies
- The role of institutions and the state in promoting the development, acquisition, sharing, and utilization of knowledge and innovation
- Knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation, and international performance
- Knowledge transfer between small firms and MNEs
- Knowledge sourcing and innovation in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) firms
- Talent management for knowledge and innovation
The full CfP with information on submission process can be found here: CfP SI IBR